snl institutions in kenya

In Kenya the public schools are encouraged to have an integrated system. An integrated school system, also known as inclusive education or inclusive schooling, is a system where students with disabilities or special educational needs are educated alongside their non-disabled peers in the same classroom or school. In an integrated school system, students with disabilities are provided with the necessary support and accommodations to ensure they can participate fully in the classroom and school community.

The goal of an integrated school system is to provide a quality education for all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. It promotes equality, social inclusion, and diversity in the school community, and helps to reduce the stigmatization and marginalization of students with disabilities.

In an integrated school system, students with disabilities may receive support from a range of professionals, such as special education teachers, therapists, and aides. They may also receive accommodations, such as modified instruction, assistive technology, and individualized learning plans, to ensure they can access the curriculum and participate fully in classroom activities.

An integrated school system offers many benefits for both students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers. For students with disabilities, it provides opportunities for socialization, improved self-esteem, and better academic outcomes. For non-disabled peers, it promotes understanding, acceptance, and empathy for others, and helps to break down barriers between people with and without disabilities.

Listed snl institutions in kenya

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